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[ FEINTOOL ] Your loyalty will be rewarded!

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자
댓글 0건 조회 2,280회 작성일 23-07-18 17:54


You now have the opportunity to join our newly developed customer loyalty program or benefit from our tailored maintenance program. Through this partnership with Feintool Technologie AG, you enjoy decisive advantages.

Each fineblanking press is individual, but they all pursue one goal, namely highest part quality and system availability. "Professional services and original spare parts guarantee the right diagnostics and suitable components with high quality standards. The worldwide and high availability as well as the simple ordering process noticeably increase system availability." says Markus Schaltegger, Managing Director of Feintool Technologie AG.

We are pleased to introduce you to our new customer loyalty program, which is tailored to your press line(s). You benefit from an annual price advantage on all original services and original spare parts! For your key presses with particularly high demands on system availability, we also offer you a tailored maintenance program, tailored to your needs. And it works: because no one knows our presses as well as we do!

Anyone who keeps their Feintool presses in good condition with original services and original spare parts is convincingly saying "yes" to OEM quality, production reliability and maintaining the value of their fineblanking press machinery.

Would you like to learn more about your individual potential? 

– Get in touch with your contact person or register centrally on +41 32 387 51 11 or at fineblanking@feintool.com.


Feintool Technologie AG


Marc Schneeberger                                      Patrick Vonmüllenen
Head of Global Service                                       Sales Director




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