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[Agathon] CASE STUDY : Agathon revolutionizes personnel -free producti…

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작성자 최고관리자
댓글 0건 조회 4,112회 작성일 21-10-27 13:59


Agathon revolutionizes personnel-free production at BSW

Initial Situation of BSW: BSW Zerspanungswerkzeuge GmbH is one of the largest independent manufacturers of cutting tools made of high-hardness materials, 
in particular PCD, CVD and CBN.  

The German company is headquartered in Saarwellingen and now employs around 85 people. Nearly 600,000 tools are manufactured annually at BSW and distributed globally. 
To shape and sharpen high-hardness materials, known as superhard materials, BSW uses 4 Agathon machines: 

  • - two Evo Combi premium grinding centers,
  • - a Leo Peri
  • - and a 400 Penta, a 5-axis machine from the previous generation of today's Evo platform. 


What does the LiveStatus App?

How much raw material is still in the pallet store? When is it time to go to the factory to change the grinding wheel and dressing cup? 
Can the running job still be completed with the current tools?
How long will it take to complete the current job? How does the incremental measurement data and its progress look like? 
All these questions (and many more) are answered continuously by Agathon LiveStatus.

Benefit of the LiveStatus

All 4 Agathon machines are monitored at BSW through LiveStatus. During staff-free shifts, employees are able to monitor the smooth operation of the Agathon machines from home via their cell phones - and react immediately in case of a disruption.
Using Agathon LiveStatus, BSW has been able to increase production efficiency to an almost 24/7 operation, minimize tooling costs, and make the most efficient use of employees' valuable time.

Read more in the BSW case study

Find out how Agathon's LiveStatus app helps BSW both to increase efficiency in production and protect the company's most valuable resource: its employees.
Download the case study now and find out how Agathon can also support you on your transformation towards Industry 4.0.



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